18 WOPpers gathered at the carpark area near the Scenic Reserve off Thorps Quarry Road Clevedon. A rather damp start with all the fog about & we were hoping it would clear so we could enjoy the panoramic views from the lookout.
Today’s walk was in 2 sections - firstly a circuit of Clevedon Scenic Reserve, then a 10 minute drive to Duder Regional Park to do some tracks there. Clevedon Reserve is very beautiful. It has many old kauri trees, kahikatea, puriri and totara. It encompasses about 100ha of native bush rising above the Wairoa River. The walkway to the summit is not that long, it is just that there are lots & lots of steps, approximately 1000, in fact! That is why it is known as "The Stairway to Heaven"! Elevation is 225 metres (see map). A lot of the steps are new, the track being renovated over the last year or two, so quite a change since I was last here. The track is firm metal if not on boardwalk or steps so no mud or walking on the forest floor.
We start off by viewing Old Thorps Quarry with its small waterfall then commence the climb up the Totara Track to the lookout. The bush today looking particularly lush & bright after the recent rain. Plenty of new undergrowth, some fungi in damper spots & foliage growing over trees & many ferns, punga etc. We have morning tea at the lookout (see panoramic pic), the view partially obscured by fog. Full 360° views here. We head down the Puriri Track which is nearly all boardwalk & wooden steps, all very new looking & come out of the bush back where we started. Then it's off in our cars for the short drive to Duder Regional Park.
Duder Park is steeped in history with its timeline dating back to the 1300s when the Tainui canoe stopped at the Whakakaiwhara Peninsula. In 1866 Thomas Duder purchased the Whakakaiwhara block, which included the peninsula, & farmed there for the next 130 years. During WWII the airforce occupied the peninsula & in 1994 the Duder family sold the farm to the Auckland Regional Council so that the environmental values of the area could be kept for future generations. There is a very good history article put out by the Heritage Dept of the Auckland Regional Council available online.
Jeanene's plan today was to do the farm loop & have lunch out at the Whakakaiwhara Pt area. We headed off uphill again! but looking back, great views of Umupuia Beach & further on Waiapu/Sandy Bay. On the way we passed someone trying to get their kite up, but the wind was not being helpful. Whakakaiwhara Pt is an isolated & unusual triangular Maori pā site traversing the remains of a defensive ditch. From the tip we looked out to the Hauraki Gulf & back to Wairoa Bay & further round Te Wharau & Waipokata/Duck Bay (see map pic). We had lunch in a sheltered area on the tip but sadly a rain front started coming thru which showed no signs of abating, so we eventually wended our way back along the Point to rejoin the park proper. We looped back around the other side of the park & after a while followed a road which is alongside the wetland bird breeding area. Also passed a huge selection of seedling trees ready to be planted out. We also did a side excursion to Waipokata Bay to the water’s edge. Coming back, we passed a kereru sitting nonchalantly in a kowhai tree & further on a very fat kereru who never moved while I photographed him, no doubt resting a full belly!
Combining these 2 walks worked well in my view, Jeanene. Many thanks for organising this walk & thanks to all for an enjoyable day out.
Colleen W.
To see Colleen’s photos, click here